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Plant species within the BORAGINACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our BORAGINACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-22 of 22 Page of 1
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Andersonglossum virginianum Wild Comfrey; Blue Hound's Tongue BORAGINACEAE Andersonglossum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Buglossoides arvensis Corn Gromwell; Field Gromwell BORAGINACEAE Buglossoides Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Cynoglossum officinale Garden Comfrey; Common Hound's Tongue; Gypsy Flower BORAGINACEAE Cynoglossum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Echium vulgare Viper's Bugloss BORAGINACEAE Echium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hackelia virginiana Virginia Stickseed; Beggar's Lice BORAGINACEAE Hackelia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lithospermum canescens Hoary Puccoon; Indian Paint BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Lithospermum caroliniense Hairy Puccoon; Coastal Plain Puccoon BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Lithospermum decipiens Deceptive Marbleseed; Alabama Marbleseed BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lithospermum latifolium American Gromwell; Broadleaf Gromwell BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lithospermum molle Soft Hair Marbleseed; Soft False Gromwell BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Lithospermum occidentale Western Marbleseed; Western False Gromwell BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lithospermum parviflorum Hispid Marbleseed; Eastern Prairie Marbleseed BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lithospermum subsetosum Softhair Marbleseed BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lithospermum tuberosum Tuberous Gromwell; Southern Stoneseed BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lithospermum virginianum Virginia Marbleseed; Wild Job's Tears; Virginia False Gromwell BORAGINACEAE Lithospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Mertensia virginica Virginia Bluebells; Virginia Cowslip BORAGINACEAE Mertensia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Myosotis discolor Yellow and Blue Forget Me Not; Changing Forget Me Not; Yellow and Blue Scorpion Grass BORAGINACEAE Myosotis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Myosotis macrosperma Large Seed Forget Me Not; Big Seed Forget Me Not; Big Seed Scorpion Grass BORAGINACEAE Myosotis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Myosotis scorpioides Water Scorpion Grass BORAGINACEAE Myosotis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Myosotis sylvatica Woodland Forget Me Not BORAGINACEAE Myosotis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Myosotis verna Spring Forget Me Not; Early Forget Me Not BORAGINACEAE Myosotis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Symphytum officinale Common Comfrey BORAGINACEAE Symphytum Specimens Available
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