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Plant species within the SOLANACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our SOLANACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-25 of 49 Page of 2
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Calibrachoa parviflora Seaside Petunia; Wild Petunia SOLANACEAE Calibrachoa Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Calliphysalis carpenteri Carpenter's Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Calliphysalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Capsicum annuum Red Pepper; Chile Pepper SOLANACEAE Capsicum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Datura inoxia Indian Apple; Moonflower; Devil's Trumpet SOLANACEAE Datura Specimens Available
Accepted Name Datura quercifolia Oak Leaf Thorn Apple; Chinese Thorn Apple SOLANACEAE Datura
Accepted Name Datura stramonium Jimsonweed; Thorn Apple; Devil's Apple SOLANACEAE Datura Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Datura wrightii Sacred Thorn Apple; California Jimsonweed SOLANACEAE Datura Specimens Available
Accepted Name Jaborosa integrifolia Spring Blossom SOLANACEAE Jaborosa Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lycium carolinianum Christmas Berry; Carolina Matrimony Vine; Carolina Wolf Berry, Carolina Desert-thorn SOLANACEAE Lycium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Lycopersicon esculentum Garden Tomato SOLANACEAE Lycopersicon Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Nicandra physalodes Apple of Peru; Shoofly Plant SOLANACEAE Nicandra Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Nicotiana glauca Tree Tobacco SOLANACEAE Nicotiana Specimens Available
Accepted Name Nicotiana longiflora Long Flower Tobacco SOLANACEAE Nicotiana Specimens Available
Accepted Name Nicotiana repanda Fiddle Leaf Tobacco SOLANACEAE Nicotiana Specimens Available
Accepted Name Petunia axillaris White Petunia SOLANACEAE Petunia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Petunia integrifolia Violet Petunia SOLANACEAE Petunia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Petunia ×atkinsiana Garden Petunia SOLANACEAE Petunia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Physalis acutifolia Sharpleaf Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Physalis angulata Cutleaf Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Physalis angustifolia Coastal Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Physalis arenicola Sandhill Ground Cherry; Cypress Head Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Physalis cinerascens var. cinerascens Small Flower Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Physalis cordata Heartleaf Ground Cherry; Toothleaf Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Physalis grisea Strawberry Tomato; Gray Ground Cherry; Dwarf Cape Gooseberry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Physalis heterophylla Clammy Ground Cherry SOLANACEAE Physalis Specimens Available
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