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Plant species within the CYPERACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our CYPERACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Bolboschoenus fluviatilis River Bulrush; River Club Rush CYPERACEAE Bolboschoenus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bolboschoenus novae-angliae New England Bulrush; New England Club Rush CYPERACEAE Bolboschoenus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bolboschoenus robustus Saltmarsh Bulrush; Seaside Club Rush; Sturdy Bulrush CYPERACEAE Bolboschoenus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bulbostylis barbata Old World Hairsedge; Water Grass CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bulbostylis capillaris Dense Tuft Hairsedge; Common Hairsedge CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bulbostylis ciliatifolia Savannah Hairsedge; Capillary Hairsedge CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bulbostylis coarctata Elliott's Hairsedge; Fringed Hairsedge CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bulbostylis stenophylla Sandy Field Hairsedge CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Bulbostylis warei Ware's Hairsedge CYPERACEAE Bulbostylis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex abscondita Thicket Sedge; Hidden Fruit Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex acidicola Acid Loving Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex alata Broad Wing Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex albicans var. albicans White Tinge Sedge; Covered Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex albicans var. australis Bellow's Beak Sedge; Slender Oak Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex albolutescens Green White Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex albursina White Bear Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex amphibola Eastern Narrowleaf Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex annectens Yellow Fox Sedge; Yellow Fruit Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex appalachica Appalachian Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex atlantica Prickly Bog Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex aureolensis Golden Cat tail Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex austrina Southern Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex austrocaroliniana Tarheel Sedge; South Carolina Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
Accepted Name Carex austrodeflexa Southern sedge CYPERACEAE Carex
Accepted Name Carex austrolucorum Southern Blue Ridge Sedge CYPERACEAE Carex Specimens Available
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