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Plant species within the POLYGONACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our POLYGONACEAE family page.
Displaying records 1-25 of 54 Page of 3
Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Antigonon leptopus Queen's Jewels; Love Chain; Confederate Vine POLYGONACEAE Antigonon Specimens Available
Accepted Name Brunnichia ovata American Buckwheat Vine; Ladies' Eardrops; Redvine POLYGONACEAE Brunnichia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Eriogonum harperi Harper's Wild Buckwheat; Harper's Umbrella Plant POLYGONACEAE Eriogonum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Eriogonum tomentosum Sandhill Wild Buckwheat; Southern Wild Buckwheat; Dog's Tongue POLYGONACEAE Eriogonum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Fagopyrum esculentum Garden Buckwheat POLYGONACEAE Fagopyrum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Fallopia baldschuanica Silver Lace Vine; China Fleece Vine; Bukhara Fleece Flower POLYGONACEAE Fallopia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Fallopia convolvulus Black Bindweed; Climbing Buckwheat POLYGONACEAE Fallopia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Fallopia dumetorum European Climbing Buckwheat; Corpse Black Bindweed; Corpse Bindweed POLYGONACEAE Fallopia
Accepted Name Fallopia scandens Climbing False Buckwheat POLYGONACEAE Fallopia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria amphibia Water Smartweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria bicornis Pink Smartweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria capitata Pinkhead Smartweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria densiflora Dense Flower Smartweed; Smooth Knotweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria hirsuta Hairy Smartweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria hydropiper Marsh Pepper Smartweed; Water Pepper; Common Smartweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Persicaria hydropiperoides Swamp Smartweed; Mild Water Pepper POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Persicaria lapathifolia Pale Smartweed; Dock Leaf Smartweed; Willow Weed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria longiseta Long Bristle Smartweed; Oriental Lady's Thumb; Asiatic Water Pepper POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria maculosa Lady's Thumb; Heart's Ease POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria meisneriana var. beyrichiana Branched Tearthumb; Mexican Tearthumb POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria orientalis Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate; Prince's Feather; Prince's Plume POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria pensylvanica Pennsylvania Smartweed; Pinkweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Persicaria punctata Dotted Smartweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria sagittata Arrowleaf Tearthumb; Arrow Vine; Scratch Grass POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Persicaria setacea Bog Smartweed; Bristly Smartweed POLYGONACEAE Persicaria Specimens Available
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