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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Aconitum uncinatum Southern Blue Monkshood; Eastern Blue Monkshood; Appalachian Blue Monkshood RANUNCULACEAE Aconitum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry; Dolls' Eyes; White Cohosh RANUNCULACEAE Actaea Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Actaea racemosa Common Black Cohosh; Early Black Cohosh; Black Bugbane RANUNCULACEAE Actaea Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Actaea rubifolia Appalachian Black-cohosh RANUNCULACEAE Actaea Specimens Available
Accepted Name Adonis annua Bird's Eye; Blood Drops; Autumn Adonis RANUNCULACEAE Adonis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Anemone berlandieri Ten Petal Thimbleweed; Eastern Prairie Anemone; Glade Windflower RANUNCULACEAE Anemone Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Anemone caroliniana Carolina Thimbleweed; Prairie Anemone; Carolina Anemone RANUNCULACEAE Anemone Specimens Available
Accepted Name Anemone coronaria Lilies of the Field. RANUNCULACEAE Anemone Specimens Available
Accepted Name Anemone quinquefolia Wood Anemone; Nightcaps RANUNCULACEAE Anemone Specimens Available
Accepted Name Anemone virginiana Tall Thimbleweed; Tall Anemone RANUNCULACEAE Anemone Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Aquilegia canadensis Red Columbine; Canadian Columbine; Eastern Columbine RANUNCULACEAE Aquilegia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis beadlei Beadle's Leather Flower RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Clematis catesbyana Coastal Virgin's Bower; Satin Curls RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Clematis crispa Swamp Leather Flower; Southern Leather Flower; Curly Leather Flower RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis flaccida Weak Stemed Leather Flower; Vase Vine RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis glaucophylla White Leaf Leather Flower RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis morefieldii Morefield's Leather Flower; Huntsville Vasevine RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis reticulata Netleaf Leather Flower RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis socialis Alabama Leather Flower; Kral's Leather Flower RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis sp. nov. Black Belt Leatherflower RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Clematis terniflora Japanese Virgin's Bower; Sweet Autumn Clematis; Yam Leaf Clematis RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Clematis versicolor Pale Leather Flower RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Clematis virginiana Virginia Virgin's Bower; Devil's Darning Needles RANUNCULACEAE Clematis Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Delphinium ajacis Rocket Larkspur; Doubtful Knight's Spur RANUNCULACEAE Delphinium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Delphinium alabamicum Alabama Larkspur RANUNCULACEAE Delphinium Specimens Available Photo Icon
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