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Plant species within the AMARANTHACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our AMARANTHACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Achyranthes aspera Devil's Horsewhip AMARANTHACEAE Achyranthes Specimens Available
Accepted Name Achyranthes japonica var. hachijoensis Japanese Chaff Flower AMARANTHACEAE Achyranthes Specimens Available
Accepted Name Alternanthera caracasana Washer Woman; Mat Chaff Flower AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera Specimens Available
Accepted Name Alternanthera paronychioides Smooth Joyweed AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera Specimens Available
Accepted Name Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligator Weed AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Alternanthera pungens Khakiweed AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera Specimens Available
Accepted Name Alternanthera sessilis Sessile Joyweed AMARANTHACEAE Alternanthera Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus albus Tumbleweed Amaranth; Prostrate Pigweed; Tumble Pigweed AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus australis Southern Water Hemp; Southern Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Amaranthus blitoides Mat Amaranth; Matweed Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus
Accepted Name Amaranthus blitum Purple Amaranth; Livid Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus crassipes Spreading Amaranth; Club Foot Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus deflexus Large Fruit Amaranth; Argentina Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus hybridus Smooth Green Amaranth; Slim Amaranth; Smooth Pigweed AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus muricatus African Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus palmeri Palmer's Amaranth; Careless Weed; Palmer's Pigweed AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus powellii Powell's Amaranth; Powell's Green Amaranth; Powell's Pigweed AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus retroflexus Red Root Amaranth; Red Root Pigweed; Rough Pigweed AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus spinosus Spiny Amaranth; Thorny Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Amaranthus tuberculatus Tall Amaranth; Rough Fruit Water Hemp; Inland Water Hemp AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amaranthus viridis Slender Amaranth; Tropical Green Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Celosia argentea Silver Cock's Comb AMARANTHACEAE Celosia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Froelichia floridana Field Snake Cotton; Florida Cottonseed; Common Cottonweed AMARANTHACEAE Froelichia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Froelichia gracilis Slender Snake Cotton; Slender Cottonweed AMARANTHACEAE Froelichia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Gomphrena globosa Common Globe Amaranth AMARANTHACEAE Gomphrena Specimens Available
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