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Plant species within the RUBIACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our RUBIACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Cephalanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush; Honey Balls; Globe Flower RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Diodia harperi Harper's Buttonweed RUBIACEAE Diodia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Diodia virginiana Virginia Buttonweed RUBIACEAE Diodia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Edrastima uniflora Clustered Mille Graines; Clustered Bluet RUBIACEAE Edrastima Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium anglicum English Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium aparine Cleavers; Sticky Willy; Catchweed Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium circaezans Forest Bedstraw; Licorice Bedstraw; Woods Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium divaricatum Lamarck's Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium hispidulum Coastal Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium lanceolatum Lance Leaf Wild Licorice; Lance Leaf Bedstraw; Yellow Wild Licorice RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium latifolium Purple Bedstraw; Wide Leaf Bedstraw; Purple Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium obtusum Blunt Leaf Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium orizabense ssp. laevicaule Bald Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium parisiense Wall Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium pedemontanum Piedmont Bedstraw; Piedmont Crosswort RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium pilosum Hairy Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium sherardia Field Madder RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Galium tinctorium Stiff Marsh Bedstraw; Three Lobed Bedstraw; Clayton's Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium triflorum Fragrant Bedstraw; Sweet Scented Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium uniflorum One Flower Bedstraw; Black Fruit Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Galium virgatum Southwestern Bedstraw; Ozark Bedstraw RUBIACEAE Galium Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Gardenia jasminoides Gardenia RUBIACEAE Gardenia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Hexasepalum teres Poor Joe; Rough Buttonweed RUBIACEAE Hexasepalum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Houstonia caerulea Common Bluet; Quaker Ladies; Innocence RUBIACEAE Houstonia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Houstonia lanceolata Midwestern Summer Bluet; Calycose Bluet RUBIACEAE Houstonia Specimens Available Photo Icon
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