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Plant species within the ASTERACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our ASTERACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Acanthospermum australe Sheep Bur; Paraguayan Starbur; Guay Greenstripe ASTERACEAE Acanthospermum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Acanthospermum hispidum Hispid Starbur; Bristly Starbur; Hispid Greenstripe ASTERACEAE Acanthospermum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Acanthospermum humile Low Starbur; Roadside Greenstripe ASTERACEAE Acanthospermum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Achillea borealis Common Yarrow; Thousand Leaf; Milfoil ASTERACEAE Achillea Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Acmella repens Creeping Spotflower; Opposite Leaf Spotflower ASTERACEAE Acmella Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ageratina altissima Common White Snakeroot; Common Milk Poison ASTERACEAE Ageratina Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ageratina aromatica Lesser Snakeroot; Small Leaf White Snakeroot; Wild Hoarhound ASTERACEAE Ageratina Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ageratum conyzoides Tropical Whiteweed; Ageratum; Billygoat Weed ASTERACEAE Ageratum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ageratum houstonianum Blue Mink ASTERACEAE Ageratum Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common Ragweed; Annual Ragweed ASTERACEAE Ambrosia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ambrosia bidentata Lance Leaf Ragweed ASTERACEAE Ambrosia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ambrosia psilostachya Perennial Ragweed ASTERACEAE Ambrosia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ambrosia trifida Giant Ragweed; Great Ragweed ASTERACEAE Ambrosia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ampelaster carolinianus Climbing Aster ASTERACEAE Ampelaster Specimens Available
Accepted Name Amphiachyris dracunculoides Prairie Broomweed; Broom Snakeroot ASTERACEAE Amphiachyris Specimens Available
Accepted Name Antennaria parlinii ssp. fallax Big Head Pussytoes ASTERACEAE Antennaria Specimens Available
Accepted Name Antennaria plantaginifolia Plantain Leaf Pussytoes; Woman's Tobacco ASTERACEAE Antennaria Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Antennaria solitaria Single Head Pussy Toes; Solitary Pussytoes ASTERACEAE Antennaria Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Anthemis arvensis Corn Chamomile; Scentless Chamomile; Field Chamomile ASTERACEAE Anthemis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Anthemis cotula Stinking Chamomile; Stinking Mayweed; Dog Fennel ASTERACEAE Anthemis Specimens Available
Accepted Name Arctium lappa Greater Burdock ASTERACEAE Arctium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Arctium minus Common Burdock; Lesser Burdock ASTERACEAE Arctium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Arnica acaulis Leopardsbane ASTERACEAE Arnica Specimens Available
Accepted Name Arnoglossum atriplicifolium Pale Indian Plantain ASTERACEAE Arnoglossum Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Arnoglossum diversifolium Variable Leaf Indian Plantain ASTERACEAE Arnoglossum Specimens Available
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