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Plant species within the ONAGRACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our ONAGRACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Specimens
Accepted Name Calylophus berlandieri Berlandier's Sundrops; Texas Primrose; Square Bud Primrose ONAGRACEAE Calylophus Specimens Available
Accepted Name Circaea canadensis Canadian Enchanter's Nightshade; Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade ONAGRACEAE Circaea Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Epilobium coloratum Purple Leaf Willow Herb; Bronze Willow Herb; Eastern Willow Herb ONAGRACEAE Epilobium Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia alata Winged Seedbox; Winged Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia alternifolia Alternate Leaf Seedbox; Bushy Seedbox ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ludwigia arcuata Pond Primrose Willow; Piedmont Primrose Willow; Pond Seedbox ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia bonariensis Carolina Seedbox; Carolina Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia decurrens Wingstem Water Primrose; Wing Leaf Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ludwigia glandulosa Small Flower Seedbox; Cylindric Fruit Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia grandiflora Showy Water Primrose; Large Flower Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia hexapetala Common Water Primrose; Six Petal Primrose Willow; Uruguay Seedbox ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia hirtella Hairy Seedbox; Rafinesque's Seedbox; Spindle Root ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia leptocarpa River Seedbox; Angle Stem Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ludwigia linearis Narrowleaf Seedbox; Narrowleaf Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia linifolia Flaxleaf Seedbox; Southeastern Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia maritima Seaside Primrose Willow; Harper's Seedbox ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia microcarpa Small Fruit Seedbox; Small Fruit Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia octovalvis Mexican Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ludwigia palustris Marsh Seedbox; Marsh Primrose Willow; Common Water Purslane ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia peploides ssp. glabrescens Floating Primrose Willow; Creeping Water Primrose; Floating Seedbox ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available Photo Icon
Accepted Name Ludwigia pilosa Hairy Seedbox; Hairy Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia polycarpa False Loosestrife; Many Fruit Primrose Willow; Top Pod Water Primrose ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia repens Creeping Seedbox; Creeping Primrose Willow ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
Accepted Name Ludwigia spathulata Southern Water Purslane; Spoon Primrose Willow; Spathulate Seedbox ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia Specimens Available
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